Glad I came home a week early!!!
My flight home was long, but with several stopovers I was able to take short smoke breaks and buy the patches that were stolen with my backpack. I got peru and costa rica! That made me happy.
The best news of all is next...
The morning I got home (I arrived a little after midnight) my sister went into labor. She was in labor all morning and ended up having the most beautiful little girl at 2pm on September 2nd. I was so happy that I came home early because I got to be there (literally- in the room!) when Sophia Irene came into this world. She is now the apple of my eye and I've had such a hard time leaving her (but I've also been very busy apartment hunting).
She's so adorable and I'm so incredibly happy that she waited for me to come home. My mom hopped on the first flight out here as soon as she heard my sister was in labor, so almost the whole family has been here since I've been back. It's been quite a treat to be with my family this much between such a wonderful trip and the start of my senior year at UCLA.
Well, thanks for reading this blog!!! I really appreciate your interest if you've kept up with it and even if you just stopped by occasionally to check out the pictures!
Until the next journey...