Monday, August 01, 2005

huayracpunko to colcapampa

this was the day we left the snow-capped mountains for green, steep, jagged mountains, rain, and a plethora of insects. the day started out foggy and was mostly downhill on a fun little trail. it began to rain about halfway through the day, but we still had a good time. the mud was a little bothersome, but our boots are incredible... i honestly think that goretex is the single most incredible invention of this century! mud slides right off the boots right after contact. walking through puddles does not phase the boots... our feet were dry at the end of the day except for our own sweat. by the time we crossed the pictured bridge and climbed up the last hill to our destination, we were soaked with rain and sweat (except for our feet, of course). the campsite was on the property of a family farm. they sold beer and crackers so we bought some and politely asked if we could camp inside an open, empty building on their property as opposed to the wet grass. we were so happy that they allowed us to camp there. our things had the chance to dry and we were able to cook on dry ground. it was awesome until a big tour group of italians came and took it over as their kitchen and dining room. we were left with very little space and had to fall asleep to their loud voices. i´m glad i brought earplugs. when we got there and were unloading our things, the family had taken an interest in the pictures in my guidebook. so in the morning i cut out the pictures and gave them to the children as a show of gratitude for letting us stay under their roof (even though it was later occupied by others). we woke up to a beautiful sunrise. no more rain. :)


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